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Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis

transmitted by ticks

Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis

Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis is an infectious vector-borne disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia spp. This bacteria can be transmitted to humans, dogs and other animals by ticks called Ixodes. Within the first hours of the tick bite, Borrelia gets into the blood of the dog and spreads to different organs.  

Canine Lyme disease may remain silent (just like in humans) or cause general signs like fever, loss of body weight, anorexia, weakness and orthopedic signs like intermittent lameness or joint swelling. Renal signs are uncommon. In rare cases, heart or neurological disorders may occur. Most dogs are expected to recover. Nevertheless, diagnosis and treatment are expensive, long and demanding for pet parents, justifying strong prevention strategy. 

Protect your dog with a combination of preventive measures: 

• Reducing the dog exposure to tick bites: carefully check the possible presence of ticks on your dog after every walk and remove them with care as soon as possible.

• Use a product that repels and kills ticks with proven efficacy.

• Discuss about vaccination with your veterinarian.

Geographical distribution

The geographical distribution of Lyme disease includes today temperate climate areas such as countries in the northern hemisphere: United States of America, Canada and Europe. The epidemiology of Lyme disease in canine patient is key for One Health as dogs can play the role of sentinel. 

You can evaluate the level of risk in your area in order to protect your dog accordingly; you can stay up-to-date on your local situation and check which are high risk areas for Lyme disease thanks to the real-time Lyme disease map! 

Discover more about canine Lyme disease with Pr. Laura Kramer (University of Parma – Italy).

Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis map

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